Participation Zero Emission in aviation R&D project

Empresarios Agrupados Internacional, S.A. contributes to the advancement of the CHALUPA Project for Auxiliary Power for Zero Emission Aircraft

Madrid (Spain). Empresarios Agrupados Internacional, S.A. is proud to announce its leading participation in the development of the CHALUPA project, an ambitious effort aimed at the use of hydrogen in aircraft auxiliary power units (APU). This project, entitled “Utilization of Liquid-Based Hydrogen in Auxiliary Power Units”, has as its main objective to improve the design, modeling, simulation and manufacturing capabilities of components and subsystems, paving the way for power generation in APUs powered by liquid hydrogen.

The consortium responsible for carrying out the CHALUPA project is made up of Industria de Turbo Propulsores, S.A., Airbus Operations, S.L., Empresarios Agrupados Internacional, S.A. and BeGas Motor, S.L. The Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid are also involved in this collaboration.

In particular, Empresarios Agrupados Internacional, S.A. will focus on the development of modeling and simulation tools and capabilities for the analysis of different hydrogen-powered APU architectures and their subsystems, which is a key element for the technological advancement of the project.

This important research and development eort has been subsidized by the Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI) within the framework of the “Aeronautical Technology Program” for the year 2023, part of the State Program to Catalyze Innovation and Business Leadership of the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2021-2023. This initiative is part of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, financed by the “Next Generation EU” funds.

Empresarios Agrupados Internacional, S.A. reaffirms its commitment to technological innovation and environmental sustainability through its participation in cutting-edge projects such as CHALUPA, which points to a cleaner and more efficient future for the aeronautical industry.


3-day Practical Introductory Course to EcosimPro/ESPSS

EAI announces the ESPSS 2024 course. The course focuses on modelling and simulation of space propulsion systems with the ESPSS toolkit. ESPSS is an ESA toolkit that is maintained every year with new updates and is used by dozens of companies for the design of their industrial propulsion systems (rocket & satellite).

The topics covered are:

  • Basic notions of EcosimPro
  • Description of ESPSS toolkit
  • Creation of typical configurations: piping networks, tank pressurization systems, rocket engine cycles, etc.
  • Creation of typical performance calculations: design, transient, etc.
  • Advanced modeling of two-phase fluid systems
  • Creation of a complete example of a propulsion system:
    • Priming in a two-phase piping network
    • Start-up and shutdown of a rocket engine
    • Electrical propulsión test case

The course is taught by our space propulsion experts with extensive experience in modelling rocket and satellite propulsion systems:

When: Days 17-18-19 September 2024

Where:  Madrid (Spain)

You can find all details in this brochure.

If you want to join the course contact us at

Release of ESPSS 3.8

Empresarios Agrupados announces the release of the new ESPSS Version 3.8, a simulation toolkit for modelling space propulsion systems. ESPSS is an ESA Open Source library for helping the European Industry in the area of simulation of propulsion systems for rockets and satellites.

The version 3.8 is the evolution of previous releases with inputs from many european partners for adding additional capabilities for supporting:

  • Simulation of ground, spacecraft and launch vehicle propulsion systems under transient and steady conditions.
  • Propulsion system with two-fluid mixtures under gas, liquid and two-phase flow regimes for a wide database of working.
  • Studies of water hammer, pressure drop, priming processes, etc. in fluid networks.
  • Hydraulic and pneumatic systems, equipment and combustors, with heat transfer and controls loops coupled together.
  • Transient simulation of liquid, solid and hybrid rocket engines.
  • Simulation of ramjet engines.
  • Orbital and attitude motion of satellites.
  • Performance analysis and design of space engines.
  • Electrical propulsion systems.
  • Modeling of combustors, heat-exchangers, turbo-machinery, pumps, tanks, etc.


Today ESPSS is a common platform in Europe for this purpose. ESA is the responsible of the new updates and gathering all requests from industry.

There are two versions:

  • 3.8.0 ready to work with EcosimPro 6.4
  • 3.8.1 ready to work with EcosimPro 7.0

Both versions are identical, the only difference is the installer. You can select the one you want to use.

The new version provides among others:

  • New pointer to function is added to several components to allow the user to impose specific values to the heat.
  • Transfer coefficient using a custom function.
  • Added new real fluid HFE7000 and potassium and perfect liquids NaK and Li.
  • Modifications in junction and pipes for molecular flow simulation.
  • Added molecular flow test case.
  • Added to cooling jackets.
  • Added thermal port to HTP combustor components.
  • Removed Injector Monoprop, added equations to Injector Loss. Modified PreburnerPlate in accordance.
  • Updated the tanks to include initialization of the liquid and vapour nodes’ temperature using vectors.
  • Updated models and added new experiment to test the new variable nozzle area feature.
  • Etc.

If your company has up to date the maintenance contract, you can download it now from your cloud area. If you have any problem downloading it from the cloud, please contact the support team (, for maintenance contract issues contact

Release of EcosimPro/PROOSIS 7.0

Empresarios Agrupados announces the release of the new EcosimPro/PROOSIS 2024 Version 7.0, a tool specialising in the simulation of dynamic systems in the fields of space, aeronautics and energy.

This new version 7.0 is the product of two of years of work and it provides additional capabilities for modelling advanced dynamic simulation systems based on differential-algebraic systems and discrete events in an object-oriented environment.

EcosimPro/PROOSIS have become a state-of-the-art modelling and simulation tool in the world in the areas of energy, space and aeronautics. Today, many prestigious companies such as the European Space Agency (ESA), Airbus, Safran, Thales Alenia, CERN, ITER, etc. are using EcosimPro/PROOSIS for modelling space propulsion systems, aeronautical gas turbines, process plants, cryogenic systems, electrical machines, etc.


The new version provides among others:

  • More robust use of the 3 types of libraries: simulation, experiments and programming. Now the user can program classical programs like in C++ within the EcosimPro Studio and to produce reusable external libraries to be used either in another simulation library or in an external program. Better debugging of models and programs in MS Visual Studio C++ to analysing line by line during the execution.
  • In the area of solvers there is a new sparse solver for linear equations that overpass the previous dense solver when dealing with big linear equations systems.
  • Improved Automatic Testing Tool that can save hours of work.
  • Plotting of each residue in the Monitor.
  • New debugging for transient model with convergence problems.
  • Use of latest MS C++ 2022 and GCC 11.2.
  • Unified platform for using any MS C++ compiler from 2015. Now you do not need to create new libraries with external objects for each platform.
  • The container classes have a better performance (based on the STL from C++) for accessing fast to the internal elements.
  • A new schematics parser much faster that permits to compile a complex schematic model in less time.
  • Smarter object editors with more comple logic for activating/deactivating input data.
  • Vertical and horizontal zooming in plotters.
  • Graphical support for drawing arrays of ports when connecting to another components.
  • etc.

If you have updated your EcosimPro/PROOSIS maintenance, you can download it now from your cloud area. If you have any problem downloading it from the cloud, please contact the support team (, for maintenance contract issues contact

TRITIUM, hydrogen isotope transport simulation in EcosimPro

The modelling of hydrogen isotope transfer phenomena, in particular of tritium, is a historic milestone in nuclear fusion technology.

Tritium is a reactant in the fusion reaction and therefore of great interest. It presents two major problems in operation, however: it is a radioactive isotope and it is highly permeable. As a result, it is especially important to monitor and control it.

Now, a hydrogen isotope transport simulation tool, called TRITIUM, has been developed for this purpose. The result of a collaborative effort between Empresarios Agrupados Internacional (EAI)/CIEMAT and directed and financed by Fusion For Energy (F4E, European Domestic Agency for the Development of Fusion and ITER), TRITIUM consists of a set of libraries created using the EcosimPro simulation platform developed by Empresarios Agrupados.

For more info at TRITIUM tool article


The 15th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-15).

From September 10th to 15th, the 15th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology took place in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. The ISFNT is one of the main international events for the nuclear fusion field. The symposium focuses on both near-term and long-term fusion devices and reactor technologies, with special attention to science, engineering, experiments, facilities, modelling, analysis, design, and safety.

At this symposium, a poster was presented showcasing the capability of EcosimPro and the TRITIUM toolkit for modelling tritium transport, specifically  a Water-Cooled Lithium Lead Test Blanket Module (WCLL TBM). TRITIUM toolkit contains first-principles models of the various terms involved in tritium transport such as: generation, advection, chemical reactions, permeation, diffusion, trapping, recombination and dissociation. Together with the TBM concept, the most relevant ancillary systems are considered as well.  Aiming at having a global perspective of tritium behaviour all over the TBS at any time, the following set of significant variables are computed: tritium inventory, permeation rates and recovery.

For info at TRITIUM tool

Round Table

9th European Space Propulsion Conference in ESA

The European Space Agency (ESA) and Empresarios Agrupados Internacional (EAI) organised the 9th Workshop European Space Propulsion Simulation (ESPSS) Workshop at ESA-ESTEC Noordwijk (Holland) during days 19-21 September. More than 45 people from the European space propulsion industry and ESA attended presentations on new enhancements to EcosimPro/ESPSS tool that will help design new missions. New phenomena such as multi phase flow modelling, electric propulsion, hydrogen combustion modelling, water propulsion, finite rate chemistry modelling, etc. The last day was dedicated to an advanced ESPSS course showing examples of water hammer and priming modelling, multi-fluid combustion, a complete Rocket Cycle ,etc.

More info at ESPSS tool

EcosimPro/ELECTRICAL tool available for users

New EcosimPro/ELECTRIC tool that fills a gap to model all types of electrical and electronic systems. Used in the aerospace world, energy, etc. sectors. There has been a digitalisation across industry that means that any aircraft, car, machine, electrical grid, renewable energy, etc. has more and more electrical systems than it did a few years ago. With this tool you can simulate from circuits to electrical machines, batteries, photovoltaic panels, etc. You can get more information from ECOSIMPRO/ELECTRICAL tool

Presentation of papers of ESA Space Propulsion Conference 2022 held in ESTORIL

Some of the papers presented at the 8th International Conference on Space Propulsion Conference SP2022 organised by ESA in Estoril in 2022 (9th-12th May) are now available at the  Papers > Space section in this website.

These articles show real projects carried out by companies such as DLR, Thales Alenia, OHB, Ariane Group, GomSpace, Airbus Defence and Space, ESA, etc. in space propulsion projects.

Today more than 50 companies in Europe use EcosimPro-ESPSS for space propulsion system simulation and it has become the reference tool in Europe for this type of studies. Just to mention a few examples, some of the projects are listed in the following paragraphs.

  • Thales Alenia UK has used EcosimPro for the Gateway project for the calibration of the Bipropellant Transfer Subsystem (BTS) . Gateway will be an orbiting lunar outpost supporting the long-term human return to the surface of the Moon and providing a staging point for deep space exploration. It is a critical component to NASA’s Artemis program.
  • Ariane Group has worked in a project related to the James Webb Space Telescope for avoiding a random uncontrolled re-entry on Earth or a collision with the valuable telescope, they have been working to perform an “extra-push sequence”. To validate the use of ESC-D and HM7B engines, a model in EcosimPro and Cathare tools was developed to predict the needed thrust domain avoiding the risks of random re-entry or collision.
  • GomSpace from Sweden has presented a paper about an innovative miniaturized cold gas propulsion module based on Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) technology is currently being developed at GomSpace Sweden. The modelling of the propulsion system as a transient model in EcosimPro is performed to verify the fluidic conditions inside the system incling thermal and control systems.
  • DLR Bremen presented a paper about FROST, that it is a mission dedicated to fly on the DLR CompactSat Bus. In order to analyze the LN2 chill-down and transfer behavior in micro gravity within the CTS and ETS, a 1D EcosimPro-ESPSS model was developed. This way, quick iterations of design parameters like pipe lengths, storage tank pressure, degree of subcooling, different valves and their influence on chill-down performance were evaluated.
  • Universities of Munchen and Darmstadt in Germany presented a work about the application of Water Electrolysis Propulsion to a 3U CubeSat as a de-orbiting kit with attitude control. Liquid water is decomposed into gaseous hydrogen and oxygen by an electrolysis unit supplied by solar power. The simulation was done in ESPSS and it makes use of 1D gas dynamics simulation as well as chemical equilibrium assumption for combustion.
  • OHB Bremen presented a paper using EcosimPro-ESPSS that it models the transient phenomena experienced in bi-propellant propulsion systems at multiple scales for ExoMars. This study is used to define OHB propulsion guidelines for future missions (i.e. moon landers), in which more powerful propulsion systems will play a main role. Priming and water hammer cases were simulated on ESPSS and validated against experimental data.

These are just a few examples of the more than 20 papers of the Conference that used EcosimPro-ESPSS. We invite you to read these papers from our website.

If you need more info about EcosimPro-ESPSS please contact


EAI presenting PROOSIS at ASME TURBO 2022 (Rotterdarm)

Empresarios Agrupados Internacional (Madrid, Spain) will be present at ASME TURBO 2022 (booth #214) in Rotterdam (The Netherlands) from June 13 to 17 with its PROOSIS simulation tool for modeling gas turbines. Today PROOSIS is used by world-class companies (eg Safran, Airbus, etc.) in the areas of design and optimization aeronautical propulsion systems. PROOSIS provides acausal-causal modelling language, performance maps handling, multipoint design with constraints tool, export of models using SAE standards, etc. Being a multidisciplinary simulation tool, PROOSIS is being used to study any new hydrogen-based engine configuration, electric propulsion, cryogenic lines, etc. that will allow the design of less polluting engines.